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Be healthy with hemp
An oil of prodigious quality
We are extremely fortunate to work with the Feuille de lune artisanal soap factory, which produces some of the finest soaps and skincare products on the market. Motivated by noble ideals, Feuille de lune products are made from premium organic hemp oil. All other ingredients are carefully selected and organic whenever possible.
Hemp seeds are rich in high-quality cold-pressed oil. The oil content of the whole seed is 25-35%. This oil contains substances with proven nutraceutical and therapeutic virtues, making it particularly interesting as a functional food. Its vitamin E content is important. A single tablespoon contains no less than 120% of the recommended daily intake. This vitamin is recognized for its benefits on the largest organ in the human body. In fact, it is widely used in skin care products, as it has proved effective in combating eczema and psoriasis. It also acts as a non-synthetic preservative, to ensure the preservation of natural health products and cosmetics.
Hemp seed is rich in essential fatty acids, also known as polyunsaturated fats. Since these are not naturally produced by the body, the only way to avoid deficiency is to consume them from an external source, such as hemp seed oil. This has an advantage over other oils. It contains linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid, the essential polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-6 and omega-3 respectively, in the right ratio for human consumption, i.e. 3:1.