Learn to tell the difference between narcotics and non-narcotics!
A fundamental difference
There’s a fundamental difference between industrial hemp and psychotropic hemp. The word industrial was quickly adopted to clearly identify hemp used for utilitarian purposes from that used for its psychotropic properties. One of the first to use the term, in the mid-1990s, was John Roulac, author of the books Industrial Hemp and Hemp Horizon. At that time, it seemed necessary to distinguish between the different types of cannabis. Still unknown, the plant suffered from a bad reputation because of the varieties that were smoked to obtain a euphoric effect. In Canada, they are commonly known as pot, marijuana, weed, and grass, among others.
A synonym?
The terms psychotropic hemp or simply psychotropic will be used here when referring to them. It’s important to understand that the words hemp and cannabis are synonyms, despite popular belief. To differentiate the two varieties by calling one hemp and the other cannabis is therefore a mistake; to use the word hemp is to say its name in English, and to use the word cannabis is to say its name in Latin. Just as in English we call it hemp, Hanf in German, cañamo in Spanish and so on. All these words identify the same plant, whether psychotropic or not!

A different variety!
They are therefore the same plant, but of different varieties. Psychotropic hemp contains a narcotic that causes several effects on the metabolism., these are characterized by a modification of the psyche and behaviour of those who consume it. Since the aim of this blog is to raise awareness of industrial hemp, we won’t go into the effects of this psychotropic drug. However, it should be noted that the main psychoactive element in cannabis is called delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. THC is one of many phytocannabinoids found in the plant in varying percentages, depending on the variety. A study published in 2007 identified no fewer than 66 different types of phytocannabinoid[1], with new ones being identified every year.
THC = the bad boy!
Some researchers even believe that more than a hundred of them exist. Few of them can be considered psychotropic, but several have effects on metabolism without necessarily inducing euphoria, such as cannabidiol (CBD). As mentioned, THC is THE phytocannabinoid with the bad-boy reputation, and it’s the one we measure to identify industrial hemp varieties. CBD levels are also analyzed, and this one catches our attention, as it is often found in the plant and has many uses worthy of mention.
The legal THC level, the famous 0.3%
Canada and most countries that allow industrial hemp cultivation have set THC levels for cultivars at around 0.3%. In other words, as long as this level is below 0.3%, the plant is not considered a drug. Farmers who have been granted a growing licence can use any of the 51 industrial hemp cultivars approved by Health Canada in 2018. They may, however, be required to test their crops twice per season. These analyses, carried out by a competent laboratory, serve to demonstrate that the hemp plants have the correct THC levels, failing which the crop can be seized and destroyed. Some cultivars used by Quebec producers amply meet the required standard, with some having only 0.005% THC. To give an idea of the magnitude of the difference, psychotropic hemp contains levels that can exceed 20%.
[1] Brenneisen, Rudolf. 2007. Marijuana and the Cannabiniods. Totowa. New Jersey : Humana Press Inc. p. 17