The strategic importance of hemp
Napoleon Bonaparte and hemp in the 19th century.
Caneve’s Origins – Part 1
For me, the idea of selling hemp products doesn’t go back to yesterday. In fact, it’s been exactly 25 years since the germ of this idea was placed in my mind. If you read the article on HEMP BC, then you know how I discovered hemp. To sum up, it was during a visit to […]
Hemp BC in 1995
How one trip changed my life forever! A striking discovery! I discovered the existence of industrial hemp in 1995 while on a trip to British Columbia. On a nice spring afternoon, as I was walking down the beautiful city of Vancouver, I came across one of the first, if not the first headshop (or smokeshop) […]
Diderot Encyclopedia 1772
Collection of plates on the sciences, liberal arts and mechanical arts, with their explanations, from Diderot and D’Alembert’s 1772 Encyclopédie. Announced in 1759, the Collection of plates on Sciences, the liberal arts and the mechanical arts with their explanation, intended to illustrate the Encyclopedia of Diderot and D’Alembert, began to appear, for the satisfaction of […]
Hemp for Victory 1942
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) encouraged hemp production for the war effort in 1942! The attack on Pearl Harbor! On December 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, drawing the United States into the Second World War. The strong Japanese military presence in the Pacific, combined with the tight German blockade of […]