Hemp seed: an achene of striking quality!

Hemp seed, also known in French as “chènevis”, can be processed in a number of ways and used in a variety of industries. We use it to nourish ourselves and incorporate it into a number of skin care and cosmetic products. It can even be used in cabinetmaking, printing and other industrial applications! It would seem that human food is the main use for the seeds produced here at the moment. It was traditionally used to feed animals, especially birds. It is said that canaries are so happy to eat them that it makes them sing more than any other seed! Testimonials from people originally from France tell us that many of them didn’t know that hemp seed was suitable for feeding people.

In Europe, nearly 10,000 tonnes of local and Chinese hemp are used to feed birds every year. Inexpensive and easier to process than fiber, it’s not surprising that the seed has become one of the most popular parts of the plant in Canada. Today, locally produced and processed hemp seeds are readily available. This is a little more difficult when we’re talking about the tall fibre or the hurds, which often have to be imported from Europe or Asia.

Graines de chanvre dans un bol sur une planche de bois de grange

Hemp seeds are rich in high-quality cold-pressed oil. The oil content of the whole seed is 25-35%, with the remainder consisting mainly of protein and dietary fiber. This oil contains substances with proven nutraceutical and therapeutic virtues, making it particularly interesting as a functional food. Its vitamin E content is important. A single tablespoon contains no less than 120% of the recommended daily intake.

This vitamin is recognized for its benefits on the largest organ in the human body. In fact, it is widely used in skin care products, as it has proved effective in combating eczema and psoriasis. It also acts as a non-synthetic preservative, to ensure the preservation of natural health products and cosmetics.