Hemp Seeds – Part 3

huile de chanvre coulant dans un bol avec graines

Hemp oil for carpentry and cabinetmaking: to avoid being poisoned! It is also possible to use hemp seed oil in cabinetmaking or carpentry to treat the wood to ensure a good finish and increased longevity. This oil has interesting qualities when used to treat wooden kitchen instruments such as cutting boards or salad bowls. Indeed, […]

Hemp seeds – part 2

Détail d'une presse pour obtenir de l'hile de chanvre à froid

Hemp oil: a very interesting functional food! Hemp seed is rich in essential fatty acids, also known as polyunsaturated fats. Since these are not naturally produced by the body, the only way to avoid deficiency is to consume them from an external source, such as certain vegetable or fish oils. Hemp seed oil has some […]

Hemp seeds – part 1

Graines de chanvre dans un bol sur une planche de bois de grange

Hemp seed: an achene of striking quality! Hemp seed, also known in French as “chènevis”, can be processed in a number of ways and used in a variety of industries. We use it to nourish ourselves and incorporate it into a number of skin care and cosmetic products. It can even be used in cabinetmaking, […]

Hemp pesto

mélange d'huile de chanvre et d'olive

Hemp pesto: a simple, delicious recipe! Here’s a recipe for all hemp lovers. This is a pesto with hemp seeds and oil. Pesto is normally made with olive oil, basil, garlic, parmesan and pine nuts. Here, we will adapt this recipe to make it with hemp. First, we’ll replace olive oil with hemp oil. For […]